One to One - Love Parenting, Love Life -Personalised Program £350.00
Our signature program is completely tailored to your own needs and those of your family. Love Parenting Love Life comprises of four 90 minute sessions held online on a one to one basis.
This program aims to empower you to reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, enabling you to bring a sense of calm, peace, and harmony to your life, repairing and rebuilding the connection with your child, and improving relationships with your family as a whole.
Not only will you improve your own well-being, but you will also become a calmer parent who can confidently advocate for your child.
As this program is personalised to your own needs, the structure and contents will vary from person to person. However, the sessions will usually run as follows:
SESSION 1 - We will spend some time getting to know each other and discussing the challenges you are facing, and the changes you want to make. We will look at aspects of life such as your support network, challenges regarding your neurodivergent child as a whole, the main sources of stress that are impacting your life, how you are currently taking care of yourself, and much more! We will end the session with a guided hypnotherapy exercise focused on creating the changes you desire.
SESSION 2 - This session will focus on finding practical strategies to the biggest challenges you face. This may include looking at time management, increasing the support you, your child, and your family receive, reducing overwhelm, finding more time to take care of you, and much more! We will end the session with a focused hypnotherapy exercise focused on finding ways to put these practical strategies into place.
SESSION 3 - We will be looking at stress reducing techniques that you can easily build into your life, leaving you with the skills to remain calm and controlled in those tricky situations such as dealing with challenging behaviour, facing battles for services, or interacting with professionals. To end the session we will engage in a guided hypnotherapy exercise, enabling you to bring a sense of calm to any situation.
SESSION 4 - This session will be very individualised, reviewing everything we have done so far and it's effectiveness, and working on anything that is still troubling you. We may create a written action plan for the future and will end with a guided meditation focused on your future as you begin to Love Parenting, Love Life!
Care, Calm, and Connect - One to One Parent Support Session £85.00
We understand the importance of self-care for parents of neurodivergent children and we believe that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your child. After all, we can't pour from an empty cup.
This 90 minute personalised, one to one session aims to give you a safe space to offload, leaving you feeling listened to, understood, and cared for as a parent, and as an individual, finding a sense of calm and peace, and feeling more able to connect with loved ones.
The session is usually structured as follows:
Introduction - getting to know each other and the issues that you are looking for support with.
An opportunity for you to offload or discuss challenges that you face regarding your child, yourself, or your family, within a safe, confidential, and empathetic environement.
Depending on the challenges you are facing, I may provide signposting, goal setting, an action plan or other guidance and problem solving strategies, enabling you to get the most from the session.
I will then teach you some coping techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and difficult emotions for you to use yourself in the future.
We will finish the session with a guided relaxation/meditation to leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and refreshed.
The Balanced Parent - Group Support Session £35.00
Using the 7 Pillars of Self-care, we work together to find ways to ensure you nurture youself, taking care of your own mental health and wellbeing, so that you can give the best of you rather than what's left of you.
This group session will have no more than 6 participants to ensure a small, personal, and safe setting, giving everyone opportunities to discuss their own challenges and to ask any questions if they wish. The session will usually run as follows:
Introduction - I will introduce myself and invite you to inroduce yourself if you feel comfortable to do so.
I will guide you through the 7 pillars of self-care, including the importance of taking care of ourselves as parents, for ourselves, our child, and our family.
You will have an opportunity to look at ways that you can incorporate self-care into your own life and routine, making a written plan if you wish.
There will be time to discuss ideas for self-care and ways that you can overcome barriers to taking care of yourself.
We will finish the session with a group guided relaxation/meditation, leaving you feeling calm, relaxed, and refreshed.
Empowered Parenting- Finding Time for You - Group Support Session £35.00
Parenting can be hard work! We are told that we must take care of ourselves before we can take care of others. But when we add neurodiversity into the usualy stresses and strains of parenting, it can feel like self-care is just another thing to add to the impossibly long list of tasks!
However, just as we are instructed to take care of ourselves first in an emergency situation on an aircraft, this is also true in every day life. If we are don't take care of our wellness, we will be forced to take care of our illness, and who will be there to care for our family then?
Empowered parenting - Finding Time for You Group Support Session aims to empower you to balance your caring and other responsibilities with your responsibility to take care of yourself.
Within a group of no more than 6 participants, you will be given the opportunity to look at ways of reducing the pressures of life, making more time to nurture you, so that you can better nurture and advocate for your child.
The group support session will usually run as follows:
Introduction - I will introduce myself and you will be given an opportunity to introduce yourself if you'd like to (no pressure though!).
Next we will complete a visual activity to look at the aspects of life that challenge us and drain our energy, and the aspects that support us and allow us to relax and recharge. This will enable you to find ways of reducing the impact of energy 'zapers' and increase the more positive aspects of life. There will be opportunities to briefly discuss individual circumstances if needed.
You will have this to take away with you at the end of the session to use in every day life.
We will end the session with a group guided relaxation/meditation to enable you to leave feeling relaxed, calm, and refreshed.
Focus and Finish - Get That Task Done! - Group Support Session £35.00
This session is all about taking action! Parenting a neurodivergent child can often bring a whole array of extra tasks that need to get done, and often, finding the time and energy to do them can be hard work!
Sometimes, just having other people who get it can be invaluable. And coming together to focus on those tasks done that feel challenging, that you've been putting off, or that you haven't found time to do, can enable you to get it done and crossed off the to-do list.
The task that you bring to the Focus and Finish session can be pretty much (almost!) anything!
That email or letter that needs to be written, the appointments that you need to organise, an EHCP or reasonable adjustments application, creating a schedule or planner for your child, making a visual preperation story (sometimes known as a social story) to prepare your child for an upcoming change or trip, organising your week or month ahead, or maybe you have a craft or self-care activity that you just haven't made time to do!............. the list is endless!
Whether you just need some moral support and a team to get you motivated, or some peer support, giving you ideas on how to complete your task, the Focus and Finish session will enable you to get that task done!
The 90 minute session will usually run as follows:
Introduction discussion - we will all have an opportunity to briefly discuss what you are working on and what you'd like to achieve by the end of the session.
If you need support with your task, now is the time to ask for it! Remember, we re not experts in the task you are working on but we can offer peer support and you know the saying, two minds are better than one!
I will then set a timer so that we can work on our tasks at the same time. I will be on hand to support you if needed.
Half way through, we will come back together to discuss how things are going, have a mini-break, and ask for help if needed.
I will then set another timer so we can continue.
Near the end of the session we will check in to discuss how far you got with your task, whether it's finished or if not, how you plan to get it finished and crossed off the list!